Dr. Schade started her chiropractic career in Florida and while she loved her patients, she felt the call to bring her healing services to a new area.
Dr. Schade moved to Austin in 1991 and started her Austin practice on West 6th Street. She was there for 18 years. She now calls the Tree of Life Urban Retreat and Healing Center (312 W Stassney Lane) home.
Being a lifelong learner, Dr. Schade has studied many different techniques and healing modalities that she integrates into her practice. This allows her to tailor her treatments towards each patient with what she feels will work the best in their particular situation.
Having a deep understanding of movement, connection and flow because of her background in dance, Michelle knew right away that yoga was not only something she wanted to practice, but also something she wanted to share with others.
Michelle, an ERYT-500 and owner of the late Half Moon Power Yoga, has studied Baptiste yoga extensively under the direction of Baron Baptiste and Paige Ellison. She is currently a Tier 2 Baptiste Certified teacher. Michelle leads a powerful, breath-focused class that strengthens the body and balances the mind. In her classes, students learn to practice with grace on the mat and to live by grace off of the mat.
This revolutionary technology, developed over 20 years ago by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, PhD, DNM, DCSJI, uses custom installed computers that generate bio-active energy fields called “scalar waves.”
These promote wellness for cell rejuvenation, improved immune function, pain relief, detoxification, elevated mood and balancing the right and left-brain hemispheres for increased energy levels.
Ultimately, it recharges the cells which helps facilitate an optimal healing environment that can assist the body in healing itself.
Matthew Bowen is a long-time student of both Alternative Medicine and Western/Allopathic Medicine. He studied at the world-renowned Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Dr. Vasant Lad, and developed a strong passion for the Vedic Arts and Sciences, namely Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra, Jyotisha and Vastu Shastra.
He currently works as a Registered Nurse, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, 500-hour Ayuryoga® Instructor and Body Worker. He focuses on the integration of body, mind and spirit to help his clients achieve their health and wellness goals.
Matthew is based in the great state of Texas and offers consultations in-person in Austin or via Skype.
RN Ayurveda was born from my desire to have a holistic health practice,
a place where I could blend my knowledge of Ayurveda and Western medicine
to create a truly integrative wellness experience.
I have been and animal lover and have received insights from animals my whole life. My love for them is all encompassing.
Through my work with them I see that we are all equally important, all sentient beings. I’ve interacted with many types, from lizards to lamas, horses to emus, and of course the more popular pets. My long career as a trainer, teacher, author, clinician and bodyworker expanded my skill in connecting with animals, helping me to voice their thoughts and needs, and solving problems and issues between animals and humans. I can help you hear your animal and create a more connected relationship.
Author of Immersive Breath Codes healing system – a profound method to revitalize, process traumatic experiences, develop cognitive skills and learn new ways of living through neuroplasticity, fulfilling our “hidden” potential.
She has been learning from the shamans and herbalists of North and South America for over 12 years.
Originally from Eastern Europe, she’s been called to travel over 35 countries and immigrate 4 times before settling in Austin.
Her main message is that we have everything within ourselves in order to heal and serve our purpose. Reaching our full potential is mostly a matter of our allowance.
Lauren Meyer offers services related to clinical nutrition, muscle testing, supplements, energy healing, autoimmune health, gut health, brain health, energy, chronic pain, and overall wellbeing. Her Advanced Muscle Testing service looks at food sensitivities, heavy metal/chemical toxicity, GI infections, and organ function. Lauren also offers a variety of cleansing services and lab testing.